Lengkuas Island Bangka Belitung indonesia

Lengkuas Island Bangka Belitung indonesia 
The World Class Island With Giant Granites Rock Formation

With a total 18000 island Indonesia Is one of the best Tropical island in the world one of it is Lengkuas island is located within the Sijuk sub-district, Belitung Regency. While it may be small in size nevertheless it offers a wide range of splendors. This humble little island offers idyllic landscape, lush palm trees and staggering boulders that are great fun to climb on or swim beneath.

The Icon of Lengkuas island is the iconic old lighthouse. Built by the Dutch Colonial in 1882, it still maintains its main function today in guiding ships sailing through and out of the island of Belitung. Approximately 50 meters in height, it is as tall as a 12 storey building.

Tanjung Tinggi Beach Belitung Indonesia

Tanjung Tinggi Beach Belitung Indonesia
World Calss Beach With Huge Granite Rock Formation

Tanjung Tinggi beach.Located Not Too Far From Tanjung Kelayang Beach a beach that has many types of granite and become the superior of Tanjung Tinggi. The visitors can enjoy the beauty of this natural beach by stand on the top of these granites or from the big stone. This natural beach is not far from Tanjung Kelayang beach. It is really natural beach that presents the nature scenery for the tourists who want to visit this beach. Spoiled your self in this warmed of sun and the blue of sea. You will feel that both of the beaches are your own.

Tanjung Kelayang Bintan indonesia

Tanjung Kelayang Bintan indonesia
The world class beaches With Natural Granites rock formation

Tanjung Kelayang is one of the world class beaches & most beautiful beach in indonesia located in Belitung, this is the center of crowd as center of yearly Sail Indonesia event where hundreds of yacht from all over the world stop over. This is also the port used for famous island hopping tour of Belitung that becoming the most attractive activities for most of touris who visit Belitung. This beach is 27 km at the North of Tanjung pandan.

Tanjung Kelayang is famous with view from beach facing small islands made of granite boulders, about 300 meters from coast line. The shape of that boulders island are like head of a bird. That may cause this place named Tanjung Kelayang  at Indonesian language tanjung is penisula,and kelayang is  a species of bird . The size of that island is about 50m square. It is beautiful as you can see from one of the picture in here. People of Belitung name bird look rock as Batu Garuda.or eagle The National emblem of Indonesia

Tanjung Aan Beach east Lombok Indonesia

Tanjung Aan Beach east Lombok Indonesia 
The Beautiful Natural Beach on earth 

Tanjung aan Beach Located just about 7 or 8 km from Lombok Kuta Beach. Tanjung Aan, is a paradise for beach lovers because the beach is a very natural beach and the beacg area near Kuta Beach lombok . Tanjung Aan beach has sand that resembles pepper. here you also can do activity like a snorkling or  swiming and This beach provides an ample opportunity to get together and have fun with your friends or beloved family.

In the west of tanjung aan beach, the size of the white sand is smaller so that the shape is subtler than in the east. Gradation process the rock by the seawater to become small pieces, then into droplets and washed away by the seawater to the beach every year causing the volume of sand in Tanjung Aan grow thicker in centimetres.

Kuta Beach Lombok Indonesia

Kuta Beach Lombok Indonesia 
The world Class Beach On earth 

Kuta Beach Lombok is a coastal town in the south of the island of Lombok in Indonesia. The Beautiful scenery is beach are spectacular, with cliffs and mountains reaching the coast to create jagged and awe  inspiring landscapes and views. The beach are some of the best beaches in Indonesia, with pristine white sand, and transparent blue green  in the water. Kuta beach lombok  has some of the best surfing in the world, so naturally many visitors are surfers

Kuta beach lombok has a wide variety of accommodations and restaurants, ranging from backpacker offerings to a four star resort for more wealthy travelers. Many people come to Kuta just to unwind, lie on the beach, rent a motorcycle to look around, or to just relax by reading a book or taking a nap in the afternoon.

Wonderful Indonesia

Wonderful Indonesia 

The total area of Indonesia is 7.9 million km² which consists of 1.8 million square kilometers of land and 3.2 million km² of the territorial seas and also marine waters of 2.9 million sq km Exclusive Economic Zone With have 18,110 islands, 6,000 of them inhabited, Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. About 265 million people live in this fourth most populous country in the world — after China, India and the USA and the largest country in Southeast Asia. Indonesia also has the largest Muslim population in the world.

The beautiful kaleidoscope that runs along the equator for 5000km could well be the last great adventure on Earth.There are several islands that are well known and renowned these are Sumatra, Lombok, Flores, Java, Kalimantan which was formerly Borneo, Sulawesi which was formerly known as Celebes, the Maluku Islands which were the original spice islands and Papua. Then, there is Bali “the world’s best island resort” with its charming culture, pristine beaches, captivating dances and music. However Indonesia still has so many unchartered islands with stunning mountain views, lush rainforests to trek through, and incredible perfect waves to surf and deep crystal clear waters to dive in where one can swim with dolphins and mantarays.Because of her geographic location Indonesia is spoiled with some of the most diverse landscapes, from it’s fruitful ricelands in Java and Bali to the lush green rainforests of Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan and, to the meadow pastures of the Nusatenggara islands to snow-capped mountains of West Papua. The wildlife is so diverse from the prehistoric giant Komodo dragon to the Orangutan and rhino, to the Sulawesi mini buffalo’s, to exquisite birds. This area also boasts the Rafflesia the world’s largest flower, wild orchids, an incredible variety of spices and fruit trees.Surfing and scuba diving aside, Indonesia offers excellent outdoor activities to enjoy, from trekking to the peaks of smouldering volcanoes on remote islands and hikes through lush rainforests or terraced rice paddies

Kuta Beach Lombok Indonesia

Kuta Beach Lombok Indonesia 

Kuta is a coastal town in the south of the island of Lombok in Indonesia. The scenery is spectacular, with cliffs and mountains reaching the coast to create jagged and awe- inspiring landscapes and views. The beaches are some of the best in Indonesia, with pristine white sand, and transparent blue-greens in the water. Kuta has some of the best surfing in the world, so naturally many visitors are surfers

Kuta has a wide variety of accommodations and restaurants, ranging from backpacker offerings to a four star resort for more wealthy travelers. Many people come to Kuta just to unwind, lie on the beach, rent a motorcycle to look around, or to just relax by reading a book or taking a nap in the afternoon.

mentawai islands west sumatra

mentawai islands west sumatra
The world class surf spots

The Mentawai Islands is one of The world class surf spots and are one of the most consistent surf destinations in the entire world. Its broad exposure towards the vast, southern Indian Ocean provides these majestic islands with remarkable consistency and quality. There are great waves in this area Year Round However, the most ideal time to surf in the Mentawais is during the dry season, late March to early November, the southern hemisphere's winter, when the Indian Ocean is an ultra-active groundswell producing machine. offers the average surfer the opportunity to score the best waves to help get you ready for the best surf trip of your life

Mentawai Island Part 2

Mentawai Island Part 2
the world class fishing spots For Fishing Mania

Mentawai Islands is not only known for The world class surf spots but this island also hidden paradise for the world class fishing spots

In mentawai island you can hook the Most Expensive Tropical fish.Most of the common pelagics can be caught here, such as Spanish Mackerel, Mahi Mahi, Tuna, Wahoo, and Barracuda. It’s not uncommon to catch the odd Sailfish or Marlin while trolling the adjacent Sipora channel as well. Other fish commonly caught close by include Golden Trevally, Giant Trevally, Coral Trout, and various forms of reef fish

Tribe of Mentawai The world's oldest tattoo

Mentawai Islands West Sumatra Indonesia 
Tribe of Mentawai The world's oldest tattoo

Mentawai people already make tattoos their bodies since coming to the west coast of Sumatra.Proto Malay nation is coming from mainland Asia or Indochina, in the periode Metal Age, 1500 BC-500 BC. so  That means, tattooed Mentawai is the oldest in the world. more old then tattoos from Egypt, as was mentioned a variety of books. The name tattoos purportedly taken from the word “tatau” in Tahiti. The word was first recorded by Western civilization in the expedition of James Cook in  1769.

the Mentawai people are tattooing their bodies since coming to the west coast of Sumatra. Proto Malay nation is coming from mainland Asia or indochina in the Metal Age, 1500 BC-500 BC.”That means, Mentawai tattoo was the oldest in the world,”said Ady Rosa, who has 10 years researching tattoos.In the Mentawai. Tattoos are known as titi. In research Ady Rosa, in addition to the Mentawai and Egypt, tattoos are also found in Siberia (300 BC), United Kingdom (54 BC), Haida Indians in America, the tribes of the Eskimo, Hawaiian and Marquesas Islands. This tattoo culture, also found at the interest in Easter Island Rapa Nui, the Maori in New Zealand, the Dayak tribe of Borneo and Sumatra Sumba in the West. For the Mentawai people, a tattoo is the spirit of life. Ady, who in 1992 traced the cultural center in the Mentawai island of Siberut, found at least four positions tattooed there. One notch tattoo is to show identity and difference in social status or profession. Tattoos sikerei shaman, for example, is different with a tattoo expert hunting. Hunting expert known for his images of animals catch, such as pigs, deer, monkeys, birds or crocodiles. Sikerei known from sibalu-balu star tattoos on his body

Romodong beach Bangka Indonesia

Romodong beach 
Wonderful beach With big megalith stones gate
Bangka Indonesia 

Romodong beach located on the Northern island of Bangka, more precisely located in the district Belinyu. The Romodong beach is one is very Natural beautiful and interesting Beach with Natural big megalith stones gate also has a charming white soft sandy beach with blue clear water on this beach we can see the sunset in the afternoon if the weather support. On the beach is also very nice for relaxing, recreation with family, and for lovers of natural scenery as well as for the hobby of fishing.

Soeharto Hill Aceh Indonesia

Soeharto Hill 
Aceh Indonesia

Suharto hill Location between Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. To visit this place , visitors can use a private car or public transport from Banda Aceh to aceh besar just around 35 minutes and you will get a beautiful view in the top of this hill. lets come visit this point !

Kiluan Bay Lampung Indonesia

Kiluan Bay
Home For wild dolphins
Lampung Indonesia

To get up real close to the playful wild dolphins that are found in the open sea at Kiluan Bay in Lampung, is certainly a one of a kind sensation. What can make it even more special is when you can get near them on the unique traditional boat of Lampung, known as Ketinting.

The ketinting, with its slender shape, complete with bamboo outriggers on each side enables it to maneuver fast through the oncoming waves of the ocean.The Ketinting’s unique shape and its curves and sharp points on both ends resemble the Siger Crown, icon of the province of Lampung.

Siung Beach Yogyakarta Indonesia

Siung Beach
Hidden Paradise for the Rock Climbers
Yogyakarta Indonesia

This Post is the series beaches in Gunung Kidul,Yogyakarta and located Siung Beach in a remote area on Gunung Kidul Regency, to the south of Tepus Sub-Regency to be exact. The distance is around 70 kilometer from the center of Yogyakarta city or it will take you around 2 hours drive.

Siung Beach is rich in the huge coral reefs. There are 250 routes for climbing the cliff in the area and you can find the proper sites to enjoy the beach panorama. There is also siung wanara coral reef from which the name of the beach originates

Jogan Beach Yogyakarta Indonesia

Jogan Beach 
Beautiful Beach With Unique Waterfall
Yogyakarta Indonesia 

Jogan Beach have beautiful sunset with unique waterfall The beach have a waterfall of freshwater springs as high 10 meters that falls directly into the sea. Beach which was originally only known as a tourist area for fishing, it turns out if traced further the jogan beach has give a present with a variety of beautiful scenery for all backpacker who come to here.

Jogan Beach located in the village of Purwodadi, Tepus District, Gunung Kidul regency Special Region of Yogyakarta and will Not hard to get to the beach Jogan. Located not far from Siung beach,is only about 500 meters. You will find Jogan. beach

Temam Waterfall Bengkulu - indonesia

Temam Waterfall
 Bengkulu - indonesia 

Temam Waterfall is a big waterfall with a height of 12 meters and 25 meters wide, located 11 km south of Lubuk Linggau, Bengkulu South Sumatra.The waterfall is surrounded by rocks and trees. Due to this natural beauty the waterfall is a popular destination on weekends an holidays.so  If you want more enjoy to visit this location and avoid the crowds by heading to Temam Waterfall you can visit on during a weekday.

Kalela Waterfall West Sumbawa- Indonesia

Kalela Waterfall
West Sumbawa- Indonesia
The Another hidden paradise on sumbawa Island

Kalela Waterfall is a very Beautiful and Natural Located In Belo,Jereweh, West Sumbawa The waterfall is not to high but the pool is so pretty and so blue. There is so much roots for people to jump to the pool, it looks sooo fun. and very perfect!!!! so you must visit  to indonesia for one times in your life time

Hot Spring Ciater Bandung - Indonesia

Hot Spring Ciater 
Bandung - Indonesia 

Hot springs Can found in several places, but the Natural hot spring in Ciater this feels different from the others Hot spring because in addition arranged neatly also equipped with various facilities. Charm is the main attraction of this area 

The Hot water  in Ciater Bandung is believed to contain sulfur which can cure many diseases. Based on experience, many visitors who come and soak in hot tubs the healing of various diseases such as paralysis, rheumatism, neurological disorders, bone and skin diseases.This is because the source water contains sulfur, which is based on laboratory tests is an important element for the treatment of various diseases if done regularly. Also, results of analysis proved balneology, mineral hot springs that exist containing Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride,and Sulfate

Iboih Beach, Sabang Aceh - Indonesia

Iboih Beach, Sabang
Aceh - Indonesia 

Iboih beach  located at Weh Islands aceh. Iboih beach is one very popular for the attractions of nature's most frequently visited destination by local and foreign tourists. Most who come to the beach Iboih is foreign tourists from around the world , this place is a amazing beach for snorkeling and diving

And we can enjoy to seeing the beautiful natural panorama, many other nature tourism activities you can do in there  include surfing, boat, swim, and dive underwater to enjoy nature with the diversity of coral reefs

Mon Ceunong Waterfall Aceh Indonesia

Mon Ceunong Waterfall
Indragiri Aceh - Indonesia

Indonesia have so many Beautiful natural tourist attraction and very interesting to visited. In addition there so much tourist attraction who still natural and has a very challenging terrain. sometime to visit location we must climb Wilderness with makeshift walkway, plus a huge mountain boulders increasingly inhibit the way so that came were those who want to explore the beauty of its natural scenery.

and One of the hidden Paradise tourist attraction is a, Mon Chuong waterfall These attractions, only visited by some of the young people who are curious after seeing the photos on social media like at Facebook and Twitter google plus instagram or BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)

Mursala Waterfall Tapanuli Regency - Indonesia

Mursala Waterfall 
Tapanuli Regency - Indonesia 

.Situated between Nias Island and the town of Sibolga, Mursala Island is administratively part of the Barus sub-District in the Central Tapanuli Regency, just Southwest of Sibolga. What makes the island special is its 35 meters high waterfall that tumbles down over granite cliffs directly into the ocean. Known as Mursala Waterfall, this amazing panorama faces the Indian Ocean. The source of the waterfall is a river of only 700 meters long - the shortest in Indonesia- that flows down over reddish-grey granite cliffs on the side of the island's outer walls. Accompanied by the rushing sound of the water hitting the sea, the view of Mursala Waterfall from the sea is truly one of a kind.

Seven main levels Moramo Waterfall Sulawesi - Indonesia

Seven main levels Moramo Waterfall
Sout East Sulawesi - Indonesia 

The waterfall which has 7 main levels and 60 small levels has height around 100 m and becomes the good habitat for birds, butterfly and other animals. The 60 small levels are in the shape of small pool, but only one of them can be used to swim.
Moramo waterfall tour object is a tour object situated in south Konawe, south east Sulawesi. Moramo waterfall has seven levels that for local people is believed to be the bathing place for goddess who came from the sky.

This tour object also has natural resource in form of marble stone. According to research, the marble content in this area reaches to 860 billion / m3 and become the world’s biggest marble stone deposit.

Elephant Safari Park Bali Indonesia

Elephant Safari Park Taro
Taro Village Bali - Indonesia 

The Elephant Safari Park, run by Bali Adventure Tours, is less of a safari and more of an elephant ride. These native Sumatra elephants are well cared for and live in large, lush enclosures. The owners have worked carefully with locals from Taro village, previously one of Bali's most remote and untouched villages, to make sure they leave little more than elephant tracks. A safari starts with Pachyderm 101, as 

knowledgeable guides discuss the animals' care and feeding, local ecology, threats to the native population, and preservation efforts. Then, along with a mahout (guide), you go on a galumphing trip through the jungle.

Horse Riding in West Bali National Park Indonesia

Horse Riding in West Bali National Park
Bali - Indonesia 

The West Bali National Park covers an area of 190m² composed of several habitats such as mangroves, savannah, mountain, mixed monsoon forest and coral islands. The Nature reserve has been created in 1995 in order to protect the bio-diversity consists of more than 160 animal species including the Bali starling still endangered. Horse riding in the National Park will bring you to discover the ecosystem by a 1 or 2 hours ride across forest and mangrove environment where we will have a chance to meet wild animals as pigs, deers and birds. This Horse ride is also a way to discover a hundred species of flowers and tropical trees endemic to this region of Indonesia. Novices to horseback riding will be supported by an assistant for maximum security while the other can freely ride following the park guide/ranger.

Lhok Mata Ie Beach Aceh - Indonesia

Lhok Mata Ie Beach
Aceh - Indonesia 

Beaches in Indonesia are very extensive and so beautiful, characterized by coral reefs, deposits from volcanoes, rich marine biodiversity, strong ocean currents, and associated with diverse cultural traditions. With around 18 000 beautiful tropical islands, Indonesia has an intricate coastline of over 80,000 km, and the fourth longest in the world.

The most notable beaches for tourism in Aceh are located to the northern tip of the province, near the archipelago of Sabang, the capital city of Banda Aceh and the northern regency of Aceh Besar. Owing to their strategic location during World War II, some of the northern beaches contain bunkers and concrete pillboxes constructed by the Japanese troops and one of the most beautiful beach it is aLhok Mata Ie beach in Aceh Besar. To get there, visitors must to climb the hill because, the location of this beach is behind a hill Ujong Pancu.