Tanjung Kelayang Bintan indonesia

Tanjung Kelayang Bintan indonesia
The world class beaches With Natural Granites rock formation

Tanjung Kelayang is one of the world class beaches & most beautiful beach in indonesia located in Belitung, this is the center of crowd as center of yearly Sail Indonesia event where hundreds of yacht from all over the world stop over. This is also the port used for famous island hopping tour of Belitung that becoming the most attractive activities for most of touris who visit Belitung. This beach is 27 km at the North of Tanjung pandan.

Tanjung Kelayang is famous with view from beach facing small islands made of granite boulders, about 300 meters from coast line. The shape of that boulders island are like head of a bird. That may cause this place named Tanjung Kelayang  at Indonesian language tanjung is penisula,and kelayang is  a species of bird . The size of that island is about 50m square. It is beautiful as you can see from one of the picture in here. People of Belitung name bird look rock as Batu Garuda.or eagle The National emblem of Indonesia

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