Wonderful Indonesia

Wonderful Indonesia 

The total area of Indonesia is 7.9 million km² which consists of 1.8 million square kilometers of land and 3.2 million km² of the territorial seas and also marine waters of 2.9 million sq km Exclusive Economic Zone With have 18,110 islands, 6,000 of them inhabited, Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. About 265 million people live in this fourth most populous country in the world — after China, India and the USA and the largest country in Southeast Asia. Indonesia also has the largest Muslim population in the world.

The beautiful kaleidoscope that runs along the equator for 5000km could well be the last great adventure on Earth.There are several islands that are well known and renowned these are Sumatra, Lombok, Flores, Java, Kalimantan which was formerly Borneo, Sulawesi which was formerly known as Celebes, the Maluku Islands which were the original spice islands and Papua. Then, there is Bali “the world’s best island resort” with its charming culture, pristine beaches, captivating dances and music. However Indonesia still has so many unchartered islands with stunning mountain views, lush rainforests to trek through, and incredible perfect waves to surf and deep crystal clear waters to dive in where one can swim with dolphins and mantarays.Because of her geographic location Indonesia is spoiled with some of the most diverse landscapes, from it’s fruitful ricelands in Java and Bali to the lush green rainforests of Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan and, to the meadow pastures of the Nusatenggara islands to snow-capped mountains of West Papua. The wildlife is so diverse from the prehistoric giant Komodo dragon to the Orangutan and rhino, to the Sulawesi mini buffalo’s, to exquisite birds. This area also boasts the Rafflesia the world’s largest flower, wild orchids, an incredible variety of spices and fruit trees.Surfing and scuba diving aside, Indonesia offers excellent outdoor activities to enjoy, from trekking to the peaks of smouldering volcanoes on remote islands and hikes through lush rainforests or terraced rice paddies

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