Hot Spring Ciater Bandung - Indonesia

Hot Spring Ciater 
Bandung - Indonesia 

Hot springs Can found in several places, but the Natural hot spring in Ciater this feels different from the others Hot spring because in addition arranged neatly also equipped with various facilities. Charm is the main attraction of this area 

The Hot water  in Ciater Bandung is believed to contain sulfur which can cure many diseases. Based on experience, many visitors who come and soak in hot tubs the healing of various diseases such as paralysis, rheumatism, neurological disorders, bone and skin diseases.This is because the source water contains sulfur, which is based on laboratory tests is an important element for the treatment of various diseases if done regularly. Also, results of analysis proved balneology, mineral hot springs that exist containing Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride,and Sulfate

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